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Herbert Broughton and Lizzie Pickering

Both Herbert and Elizabeth, Lizzie, were of English heritage and from prosperous backgrounds.  Herbert’s father, Daniel, was a well-known buggy maker in Franklin.  Herbert grew up in the village offices, known as the Broughton house.  His father’s shop was located where the post now is.

Lizzie’s father was a successful farmer and drover.  He drove cattle and sheep.  Lizzie grew up in the Pickering house on 13 Mile road which currently still exists.

Herbert inherited his father’s 190 acre farmland in Bloomfield. Herbert was an agriculturalist.  His wife worked by his side in the fields. They raised two sons, Tracy and Turner.

Elizabeth German Rust

Elizabeth was a descendant of the German family that emigrated from England in 1837.  Her parents were John German Jr. and Charlotte Benjamin who passed away three weeks after Elizabeth’s birth.

At the age of 22, she married Albert Rust, a dry goods merchant.  They built the Victorian brick home near the corner of Franklin and German Mill roads.  Ada and Alice were their two daughters.

Elizabeth grew up in a highly respected and successful family.  She was the recording secretary of the Women’s Society at the Methodist Episcopal church and always involved in church activities.

To show how respected she was, the pall bearers at her funeral were Sammy Green, successful farmer and Civil War vet, Francis Stehle, a sawyer, Daniel Broughton, prominent buggy maker and Richard Cummings, a buggy and sleigh maker.